Green Green Grass of Home
The old home town looks the same as I step down from the train,
and there to meet me is my Mama and Papa.
Down the road I look and there runs Mary hair of gold and lips like cherries.
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
Yes, they'll all come to meet me, arms reaching, smiling sweetly.
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
The old house is still standing tho' the paint is cracked and dry,
and there's that old oak tree I used to play on.
Down the lane I walk with my sweet Mary, hair of gold and lips like cherries.
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
Yes, they'll all come to meet me, arms reaching, smiling sweetly.
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
Then I awake and look around me, at four grey wall surround me
and I realize that I was only dreaming.
For there's a guard and there's a sad old padre -
arm in arm we'll walk at daybreak.
Again I touch the green, green grass of home.
Yes, they'll all come to see me in the shade of that old oak tree
as they lay me neath the green, green grass of home.

The old home town looks the same as I step down from the train,
and there to meet me is my Mama and Papa.
Down the road I look and there runs Mary hair of gold and lips like cherries.
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
Yes, they'll all come to meet me, arms reaching, smiling sweetly.
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
The old house is still standing tho' the paint is cracked and dry,
and there's that old oak tree I used to play on.
Down the lane I walk with my sweet Mary, hair of gold and lips like cherries.
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
Yes, they'll all come to meet me, arms reaching, smiling sweetly.
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
Then I awake and look around me, at four grey wall surround me
and I realize that I was only dreaming.
For there's a guard and there's a sad old padre -
arm in arm we'll walk at daybreak.
Again I touch the green, green grass of home.
Yes, they'll all come to see me in the shade of that old oak tree
as they lay me neath the green, green grass of home.
y con Lemmy que ayer cumplió los 64 (Gracias GordDT)
Un gran saludo a tod@s l@s bloggers de por aqui y Feliz Navidad!!!
13 comentarios:
Eso sí que es para celebrar, el cumpleaños de Lemmy. 64 años de rock. La de Farris, preciosa, como todas.
Felices fiestas mi querido padawan JAH. Gracias por tu enlace y por tu gran compañia... Que la fuerza te acompañe!
Felices Fiestas para ti tambien, queda muy favorecido Lemmy con el traje de Santa. Y a disfrutar del rock sean las fechas que sean.
Benditos sean cada uno de esos 64 años!
Un saludo y felices fiestas.
Farris is God y Happy Birthday Lemmy.
Felices Fiestas amigo
Me encanta Farris. Y el dedito de Lemmy, siempre ahí, dando por culo.
Felicidad, Jah, hoy, mañana y todos los días.
Feliz Navidad! Y ha seguir rockeando!
Felices Fiestas, my friend!!
Mi debilidad por Farris es muy, muy Dios en la tierra!
Felicies Fiestas, felicidad y abrazos para tod@s vosotr@s!!!
y mucho rock n' roll claro!!!
Un saludo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enorme enorme felicitación, sí señor. Y mira que son estilos completamente diferentes....un gran regalo de navidad compañero. Un saludo.
Se te saluda compi, y bueno, se devuelven esos deseos de felices feistas, aunque yo no crea demasiado (o nada... ja,ja... ) en todo este tinglado.
Un saludo.
Rocklive: es lo bueno, que son diferentes estilos pero si los aprecias los dos molan!!!
Perem: a mí tampoco me mola mucho todo el rollo navideño...pero bueno, que menos que desar unas buenas fiestas jeje
Saludos a los dos!!!
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